Friday, July 26, 2013

Vacation Bible School

If you grew up in church, there's no way you don't have memories of VBS imprinted in your heart forever. Or maybe you didn't grow up in church, but you remember going to VBS with a friend when you were in elementary school. And maybe, just maybe, that experience planted a seed in your heart that led you closer to accepting Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

My memories of VBS as a child are so strong that I can even remember the smell: white elmers glue and pretzels. It's so funny- the things we remember once we're grown- but have you ever stopped to think about the people who helped give you that memory? The truth is that until this week, I hadn't. Working from 8:30-5:30, then driving straight across town in traffic with no air conditioner in the middle of July and helping lead Bible school - which ranges everywhere from acting to singing to chasing kids around to leading craft time- and being there until about 10 makes for a long day and is quite frankly exhausting. But, let me tell you it is so beyond words worth it.

Looking back and being so thankful for the people who did this for me when I was little helped me this week. Every time I started to feel sleepy or like I just wanted to go shopping after work... I thought about the sacrifice that the people made for me when I was a child. Because they cared more about making a VBS happen that I would remember forever, they made an impact on my life. If they'd taken a nap or gone shopping instead.... that wouldn't have happened and I might not even be the same person that I am today.

The people who led VBS at my church when I was little also probably have no idea that now - 15 years later - I am grateful for what they did, for the sacrifice they made, for the talents and time that they shared, so long ago. That just goes to show you that you never know the impact you're having on someone's life. It may be years later, but what you do will matter. So go ahead, plant that seed. You won't be sorry.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Calvary Baptist Church's "Ancient Athens Greece" themed Vacation Bible School-

I was so honored and blessed to work with such a great group of servant leaders! We had the most fun dressing up in Greek costumes, playing our roles, and interacting with the children together! Never a dull moment!

 The time of worship at the beginning and end of each night was incredible- 

And check out my church here! We'd love to have you! 

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