It never fails, year after year, my Twitter and Facebook news feeds are full of girls - yes, that's right - girls, not guys - posting things like, "Can't wait for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show tonight!" or "It's VS Fashion Show day! Best day of the year!"
Needless to say, afterwards, my news feeds are filled with the same girls posting things like, "OMG I hate my life, I'll never be that skinny." or "Why is she so perfect? I just wanna be Adriana Lima!" These posts, I've noticed, are usually accompanied by a picture of one of the "angels," half-dressed in something only their husbands should see.
It's bad enough that society has reached the level of depravity that women flaunting themselves around practically naked for the whole world to see- let alone calling themselves "angels" while doing it - is acceptable. But, for it to be something that is looked forward to with great anticipation- by girls, none the less- just blows my mind.
First of all, why would a girl want to watch that? To feel terrible about her body and lower her self esteem? Whether they admit it or not, I guarantee that most girls feel like they are morbidly obese after watching those 5'10" and barely 100 pound women strut around practically naked. A body like that is practically impossible to achieve and not healthy. It's definitely NOT the standard the average woman should hold herself to. Remember ladies, only a dog likes a bone.
Secondly, for the men who watch this "fashion show," I've got news for you. Just because it's called a "fashion show," doesn't mean it affects your mind any differently than pornography. When a man watches porn, it gives him unrealistic expectations of what intimacy is like between what should be him and his wife and makes him feel like a woman is something on earth solely to bring him pleasure, rather than a gift from God to treasure and glorify the Lord by loving and serving alongside.
Lastly, as Christians, don't you think it's time to stand up and fight for what we know is right? Sure, not watching it because you don't like the way it dehumanizes women is all well and good, but how bout standing up and saying something about it? I've felt this way about the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show since my freshman year of college, when after leaving a group of about 15 girls who were all watching it together, I found myself sitting in my room alone thinking long and hard about how terrible it was that society has got to this point. I'm ashamed it's taken me until now to stand up and say I'M NOT WATCHING IT.
How about you?
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Ya gotta start somewhere. Take heart.
Hi there, friends!
I know I've been kind of MIA for a while, but with finals, work, my internship and a busy, but oh-so-fun Thanksgiving week, I haven't had any time at all to write.
Isn't it funny how in the midst of chaos, your mind wanders to what you really care about? I've found that in the hardest times, the most stressful days, the most sleepless nights.... my mind wanders to what I'm really passionate about. Of course, anyone who knows me knows that my mind is like spaghetti - one thought leading to another in a tangled mess. So, for me, my mind wanders from wedding plans to what I wish I had time to write about to photography ideas. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea that I just have to write down. It might be a pretty way to wrap a present. It might be a recipe I want to try. It might be something I want to ask my grandmother. It's spaghetti.
Sometimes it feels so overwhelming and disheartening to have so many plans, hopes, dreams and feel like they are so out of reach. I'm planning a wedding on virtually no budget. How do you make a budget with no money? I want to travel the world. There are so many beautiful places I would love to see. But, guess what... I'm still in college and I can't go anywhere because I have class in 27 minutes.
But, you know what (as my sweet little cousin, Ridge would say)?
You have to start somewhere. Yes, I would love to see my pictures in Southern Weddings Magazine or Our State Magazine... but I'm just not there yet. Right now, I'm getting experience and taking classes and submitting pictures in photo contests and freelancing for a small town publication. Yes, I would love to hop on a plane to Greece and stay for a couple of weeks (or months... or years....) but I can't do that yet. Right now, I've gone to Haiti and done mission work and spent a month in Europe studying abroad. One day, when my husband and I have saved and planned, we will be able to take our dream vacations. And, as for the wedding... I've been surrounded by the purest, sweetest and most generous and loving people my entire life and I know without a shadow of a doubt that everything is going to come together perfectly. It's going to be just fine. Yes, booking a reception venue on what is apparently the most popular date of all time (12/13/14) has proved to be quite the challenge, but I know that the Lord is going to lead me to the perfect, affordable and accommodating place.
So, if you're like me and you're on the verge of feeling frustrated with where you are right now... Just stop, take a deep breath and remember that the Lord has not left you as an orphan. Take heart. He is right beside you, holding your hand, walking you through each step of this journey. His timing is perfect, He has plans for you to prosper, and if you delight yourself in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart.
I know I've been kind of MIA for a while, but with finals, work, my internship and a busy, but oh-so-fun Thanksgiving week, I haven't had any time at all to write.
Isn't it funny how in the midst of chaos, your mind wanders to what you really care about? I've found that in the hardest times, the most stressful days, the most sleepless nights.... my mind wanders to what I'm really passionate about. Of course, anyone who knows me knows that my mind is like spaghetti - one thought leading to another in a tangled mess. So, for me, my mind wanders from wedding plans to what I wish I had time to write about to photography ideas. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea that I just have to write down. It might be a pretty way to wrap a present. It might be a recipe I want to try. It might be something I want to ask my grandmother. It's spaghetti.
Sometimes it feels so overwhelming and disheartening to have so many plans, hopes, dreams and feel like they are so out of reach. I'm planning a wedding on virtually no budget. How do you make a budget with no money? I want to travel the world. There are so many beautiful places I would love to see. But, guess what... I'm still in college and I can't go anywhere because I have class in 27 minutes.
But, you know what (as my sweet little cousin, Ridge would say)?
You have to start somewhere. Yes, I would love to see my pictures in Southern Weddings Magazine or Our State Magazine... but I'm just not there yet. Right now, I'm getting experience and taking classes and submitting pictures in photo contests and freelancing for a small town publication. Yes, I would love to hop on a plane to Greece and stay for a couple of weeks (or months... or years....) but I can't do that yet. Right now, I've gone to Haiti and done mission work and spent a month in Europe studying abroad. One day, when my husband and I have saved and planned, we will be able to take our dream vacations. And, as for the wedding... I've been surrounded by the purest, sweetest and most generous and loving people my entire life and I know without a shadow of a doubt that everything is going to come together perfectly. It's going to be just fine. Yes, booking a reception venue on what is apparently the most popular date of all time (12/13/14) has proved to be quite the challenge, but I know that the Lord is going to lead me to the perfect, affordable and accommodating place.
So, if you're like me and you're on the verge of feeling frustrated with where you are right now... Just stop, take a deep breath and remember that the Lord has not left you as an orphan. Take heart. He is right beside you, holding your hand, walking you through each step of this journey. His timing is perfect, He has plans for you to prosper, and if you delight yourself in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
A Not-So-Random Act of Kindness
Ever since Gray popped the question, everyone has, of course, wanted to see my ring. So, naturally, I've wanted to get my nails done all week. Knowing I really shouldn't spend the money, I decided to just bite the bullet and get them done Friday afternoon. I never spend money on things like that, but I thought, of all times, this was one time I could spare the $30. I did just get engaged, after all.
Shortly after I sat down, a sweet little lady I had never met sat down beside me. As we got our nails done, I told her all about the proposal, my sweet fiance and our plans for our future together. She was so precious and wanted to know every detail. She told me about how she married her best friend when she was 19, and now they have been married for 50 something years and she still adores him like she did the day they said their vows.
It reminded me so much of my grandparents and the 62 years of marriage they shared before he passed away. Love like that - the kind that has stood the test of time - is such an inspiration to me. She was so in love, even after all this time and all I could think about is that I want that more than anything with Grayson. Yes, he's the fun-loving, spontaneous, passionate guy I want to spend my 20's with.... but he's also the strong, faithful, caring and Godly man I want to spend my 80's with.
The lady got up and after her nail polish was dry, she paid and came over to where I was sitting, still waiting on the man to finish my manicure. She put her arm around me and said, "I enjoyed talking to you today, sweetheart. I paid for your manicure. It's my engagement gift to you. I'm so happy for you."
I was totally and completely shocked. I thanked her, but before I knew it, she was gone. I didn't even know her name and she had shown me such unexpected and heartfelt kindness and generosity. I couldn't believe it. As I left with tears in my eyes, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God had spoken to me, once again, this time through a sweet little lady that just so happened to pay for my manicure.
I always pray that the Lord will speak to me and show me His will in tangible ways. I pray that He will literally slap me in the face with it, drop it on my doorstep, make it so completely obvious and clear that I can not miss it. I feel like this woman's "random" act of kindness was not so random, at all. I truly believe that this woman's kind gesture was just another whisper from my Savior saying, "Yes, child. You're right in the center of My will. Grayson is the man I made just for you. You're on the right path, and if you continue to seek Me first in all you do, I will bless you and your relationship."
What I would give to be able to find her and tell her how much that meant to me.
I am so overjoyed and overwhelmed by the love we've been shown this past week. Thank you again to everyone who has poured love and blessings on us. We have so much to be thankful for.
Shortly after I sat down, a sweet little lady I had never met sat down beside me. As we got our nails done, I told her all about the proposal, my sweet fiance and our plans for our future together. She was so precious and wanted to know every detail. She told me about how she married her best friend when she was 19, and now they have been married for 50 something years and she still adores him like she did the day they said their vows.
It reminded me so much of my grandparents and the 62 years of marriage they shared before he passed away. Love like that - the kind that has stood the test of time - is such an inspiration to me. She was so in love, even after all this time and all I could think about is that I want that more than anything with Grayson. Yes, he's the fun-loving, spontaneous, passionate guy I want to spend my 20's with.... but he's also the strong, faithful, caring and Godly man I want to spend my 80's with.
The lady got up and after her nail polish was dry, she paid and came over to where I was sitting, still waiting on the man to finish my manicure. She put her arm around me and said, "I enjoyed talking to you today, sweetheart. I paid for your manicure. It's my engagement gift to you. I'm so happy for you."
I was totally and completely shocked. I thanked her, but before I knew it, she was gone. I didn't even know her name and she had shown me such unexpected and heartfelt kindness and generosity. I couldn't believe it. As I left with tears in my eyes, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God had spoken to me, once again, this time through a sweet little lady that just so happened to pay for my manicure.
I always pray that the Lord will speak to me and show me His will in tangible ways. I pray that He will literally slap me in the face with it, drop it on my doorstep, make it so completely obvious and clear that I can not miss it. I feel like this woman's "random" act of kindness was not so random, at all. I truly believe that this woman's kind gesture was just another whisper from my Savior saying, "Yes, child. You're right in the center of My will. Grayson is the man I made just for you. You're on the right path, and if you continue to seek Me first in all you do, I will bless you and your relationship."
What I would give to be able to find her and tell her how much that meant to me.
I am so overjoyed and overwhelmed by the love we've been shown this past week. Thank you again to everyone who has poured love and blessings on us. We have so much to be thankful for.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
I said YES (and I'm still squealing!)
As many of you know, this past weekend was a major milestone for my now.... fiance.... and I. Yep, that's right.... Fiance! We are so overjoyed with excitement and so blessed to have been the recipients of so much love, congratulations, encouragement and genuine joy from so many people because of our engagement. It was the most perfect day EVER so I want to tell ya'll exactly how it happened....
Grayson and I had been wanting to make a day trip to Asheville for a while, and with our two year anniversary approaching, he bought us tickets to the Biltmore House and told me that we were going to have the best weekend ever. Of course I was excited, because any time Gray plans a weekend, it's always full of all my favorite things.
We got up early Saturday morning (November 16th) and left for Asheville. We stopped and got breakfast and our roadtrips are always the most fun... they're the perfect mix of heart-to-heart life talks and singing at the top of our lungs and being goofy together. So, we were in Asheville before we knew it. After going to the Farmer's Market, we stopped at Starbucks (which has become an anniversary tradition, since we did this on our one year anniversary too) before going to the Biltmore House. It was absolutely beautiful, already decorated for Christmas and it was the perfect temperature outside. Our house entry time was at 2:15, so we had some time to kill beforehand, during which we'd planned to walk through the gardens and visit the conservatory. Shortly after we got there, we ran into two of our sweetest friends, Brett and Emily, who are not only the cutest couple, but - as this weekend has proven- excellent secret keepers! Grayson, Brett and Emily, who had planned this all out (little did I know), didn't have any trouble acting just as shocked to run into each other as I genuinely was, since they had planned to "accidentally" run into us later on in the day. Their comments like "How crazy that ya'll are here the same time we are!" and "What a small world!" made it even more believable that it was just a weird coincidence that we had randomly bumped into them and both made a day trip to Asheville that day.
As we went our separate ways, we planned to meet back up before we left to take a group picture up on the bridge overlooking the lawn with the huge, beautiful tree and the Biltmore House in the background. Grayson and I took our time going through the gardens and conservatory, grabbing a quick lunch at the Biltmore Cafe, and then touring the House. It was beautiful, as always, and we seemed to have finished our tour at the perfect time, because Brett and Emily had just finished their tour of the winery.... what a coincidence.
We went up on the bridge, and I asked someone to take a group picture of the four of us. We are so lucky to have such sweet friends and I can't think of any one else we would have rather shared such a special day with!
Afterwards, the sweet surprises continued with an engagement party at my favorite restaurant with my family. My Momma made us this beautiful cake and I was so thankful to end the perfect day sharing our joy with the people I love the most!
Grayson and I had been wanting to make a day trip to Asheville for a while, and with our two year anniversary approaching, he bought us tickets to the Biltmore House and told me that we were going to have the best weekend ever. Of course I was excited, because any time Gray plans a weekend, it's always full of all my favorite things.
We got up early Saturday morning (November 16th) and left for Asheville. We stopped and got breakfast and our roadtrips are always the most fun... they're the perfect mix of heart-to-heart life talks and singing at the top of our lungs and being goofy together. So, we were in Asheville before we knew it. After going to the Farmer's Market, we stopped at Starbucks (which has become an anniversary tradition, since we did this on our one year anniversary too) before going to the Biltmore House. It was absolutely beautiful, already decorated for Christmas and it was the perfect temperature outside. Our house entry time was at 2:15, so we had some time to kill beforehand, during which we'd planned to walk through the gardens and visit the conservatory. Shortly after we got there, we ran into two of our sweetest friends, Brett and Emily, who are not only the cutest couple, but - as this weekend has proven- excellent secret keepers! Grayson, Brett and Emily, who had planned this all out (little did I know), didn't have any trouble acting just as shocked to run into each other as I genuinely was, since they had planned to "accidentally" run into us later on in the day. Their comments like "How crazy that ya'll are here the same time we are!" and "What a small world!" made it even more believable that it was just a weird coincidence that we had randomly bumped into them and both made a day trip to Asheville that day.
As we went our separate ways, we planned to meet back up before we left to take a group picture up on the bridge overlooking the lawn with the huge, beautiful tree and the Biltmore House in the background. Grayson and I took our time going through the gardens and conservatory, grabbing a quick lunch at the Biltmore Cafe, and then touring the House. It was beautiful, as always, and we seemed to have finished our tour at the perfect time, because Brett and Emily had just finished their tour of the winery.... what a coincidence.
We went up on the bridge, and I asked someone to take a group picture of the four of us. We are so lucky to have such sweet friends and I can't think of any one else we would have rather shared such a special day with!
Then, I offered to take one of just the two of them... aren't they just adorable?
Then, Emily said, "let me return the favor! I'll take one of ya'll!" So, we took a picture..... and THEN Gray turned to me and said, "Wait.... there's one more thing." I could tell he was fighting back tears and his voice was shaking as he began, "Katie, you're my very best friend...." and got down on one knee. In total and complete shock, I realized that the man that I love more than anything, my very best friend, my soul mate, was asking me to spend forever with him.
Thanks to Emily and Brett, we have this all on video and pictures - something I will truly cherish forever and am so thankful we will have to show our children and grandchildren one day.
It was the most perfect proposal I could have ever wished for and I wouldn't change a thing.
Tears of joy calling Momma to tell her the good news (which of course, she already knew and was waiting by the phone). I couldn't believe she's known since May! Afterwards, the sweet surprises continued with an engagement party at my favorite restaurant with my family. My Momma made us this beautiful cake and I was so thankful to end the perfect day sharing our joy with the people I love the most!
We are planning on getting married on December 13, 2014 (12/13/14 - the last consecutive date until 1/2/2103 !!!) which is about 6 months after I graduate from college. We could not be more excited to begin our life together or more thankful for all the sweet words, congratulations and excitement we've received from our friends and family. The Lord has blessed us so much and we give Him all the glory.
I have found the one who my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4
Friday, November 8, 2013
A Bunch of (Belated) High Five's for Friday
Highlights of the past few weeks (cause I've been a slacker when it comes to blogging)-
1. Getting my images published in High Country Magazine! I was so excited I could barely stand it! And my involvement with the December edition is already in the works! Eeeeeekkkk!!!!
2. Celebrating this sweet guy's 24th birthday! He's getting pretty old!
5. Late night milkshake dates with my sweet friend and fellow blogger, Valerie.
6. Photographing my Church's Fall Festival. It was pure joy to be surrounded by so many people I love-
7. I got my Appalachian State University class ring!
8. I finished up a huge project for my media graphics class (anti abortion campaign) -
9. I go to the prettiest school in the world (especially during the fall) -
10. My sweet and very talented friend Heather Payne who is an ahhh-mazinggggg photographer let me model for her (and aren't those flowers gorgeous? you should check out my friend Abany Bauer! She's amazing too.) I love working with them!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
My Heart
I hate to be one of those girls that gushes about her boyfriend, but sometimes I think it's healthy to let the world know about the blessing that love can bring to your life. My relationship with Grayson has brought such happiness to my life these last two years. We have laughed together, cried together, fought for what we love together, encouraged one another and grown... both as a couple and as individuals. He has loved me without wavering, caught me every time I've fallen and put me back together each and every time I started to fall apart. Grayson has shown me what it truly means for a man to love a woman the way Christ loves the church, and for that, I will forever be grateful.
I have found the one who my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Wedding Bliss
This weekend, I went to South Carolina for my cousin, Andrew's wedding at Lindsey Plantation. It was absolutely perfect and I'm so happy for him and his beautiful bride, Amy. I just love weddings! Here are a few snapshots, although they really don't do it justice:
My sweet great aunt, Peggy and great uncle, Junior. They are both just a joy to be around-
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Maintaining Intentional Friendships
I guess it may have taken me a little longer to realize this than others, but it's hard to be a good friend in college. We are all so busy and have a million different things going on that sometimes we barely know what we're doing, more less have time to check in on a friend. I often feel like I'm drowning beneath an ocean of tests, quizzes, work and trying to maintain a social life.
This being said, it's so important to make the extra effort to let a friend know you're thinking about them, praying for them, or just missing them. There have been days when one simple text message or phone call from a friend has totally and completely changed my day for the better.
When I think about the quote, "Always be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle," I am usually thinking about it in the context of dealing with someone I don't like but it is just as true for friends as it is for enemies! You never know what your friends are going through, so it's important to make the intentional choice to invest yourself in people's lives.
A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17
This being said, it's so important to make the extra effort to let a friend know you're thinking about them, praying for them, or just missing them. There have been days when one simple text message or phone call from a friend has totally and completely changed my day for the better.
When I think about the quote, "Always be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle," I am usually thinking about it in the context of dealing with someone I don't like but it is just as true for friends as it is for enemies! You never know what your friends are going through, so it's important to make the intentional choice to invest yourself in people's lives.
A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Lord is Good
It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord provides when you ask Him to. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4) couldn't be more true.
As many of you know, I have an interest in photography and I've been praying that if that is the career path I am supposed to pursue, that God would give me opportunities so that I can learn more and get more experience.
In the last week, I have had 3 inquiries asking me to photograph for them! Thank you Lord, for answered prayers!
This semester, I was heartbroken to discover that graduating on time in May wouldn't be possible due a mistake in my credit hours. After many tears and double-checking my adviser, I realized that she was wrong and I only needed four additional hours, not 12. That's a HUGE difference- a whole semester difference. So, after adding a one-hour yoga class, I still needed three credit hours and had no idea what do to.
That's when an internship that would change my life came into play. The Lord is so good. He literally dropped it into my hands, and to ensure that I wouldn't let the opportunity slip through my fingers, not only did He drop it into my hands, He also closed my fingers around it, and helped me learn how to grasp what He had planned for me.
High Country Wedding Guide isa local wedding magazine that is not only faith-based, but run by an incredible group of women that love the Lord and have a passion for transforming the often dark wedding industry from something that's profit-focused to an intentional opportunity to shed light on the goodness of the Lord and His sacred holiness of what marriage is supposed to be.
I have had the opportunity to work with Abany Bauer, and incredible woman of God, who, although just a few years older than me and newly married, has already taught me SO much about what it means to glorify God with my gifts and talents and be open to whatever He calls me to do.
So, right now, with only seven months left in my college career, I would be lying if I said I'm not scared. It's definitely a little intimidating to think that in just a short time, I will be thrown into the real world. But, being surrounded by sweet sisters in Christ that love me enough to help me figure out God's plan for my life has been such an encouragement. Thank you, Lord, for being my provider, my strength, my clarity and my peace.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
As many of you know, I have an interest in photography and I've been praying that if that is the career path I am supposed to pursue, that God would give me opportunities so that I can learn more and get more experience.
In the last week, I have had 3 inquiries asking me to photograph for them! Thank you Lord, for answered prayers!
This semester, I was heartbroken to discover that graduating on time in May wouldn't be possible due a mistake in my credit hours. After many tears and double-checking my adviser, I realized that she was wrong and I only needed four additional hours, not 12. That's a HUGE difference- a whole semester difference. So, after adding a one-hour yoga class, I still needed three credit hours and had no idea what do to.
That's when an internship that would change my life came into play. The Lord is so good. He literally dropped it into my hands, and to ensure that I wouldn't let the opportunity slip through my fingers, not only did He drop it into my hands, He also closed my fingers around it, and helped me learn how to grasp what He had planned for me.
High Country Wedding Guide isa local wedding magazine that is not only faith-based, but run by an incredible group of women that love the Lord and have a passion for transforming the often dark wedding industry from something that's profit-focused to an intentional opportunity to shed light on the goodness of the Lord and His sacred holiness of what marriage is supposed to be.
I have had the opportunity to work with Abany Bauer, and incredible woman of God, who, although just a few years older than me and newly married, has already taught me SO much about what it means to glorify God with my gifts and talents and be open to whatever He calls me to do.
So, right now, with only seven months left in my college career, I would be lying if I said I'm not scared. It's definitely a little intimidating to think that in just a short time, I will be thrown into the real world. But, being surrounded by sweet sisters in Christ that love me enough to help me figure out God's plan for my life has been such an encouragement. Thank you, Lord, for being my provider, my strength, my clarity and my peace.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
Monday, September 30, 2013
Fall Adventures
Every girl hates when a guy picks them up for a date and says, "so... what do you want to do?" It's just like, seriously? Haven't you thought about it? Well, I'm a lucky girl, because 9 times out of 10, my sweet fella has thought up a fun plan for the time we get to spend together. I guess maybe that's the one and only one of the blessings of having a long-distance relationship.... we both know that the time we do get to spend together is precious. He picked me up from class today and we ate lunch at Panera. Seeing him during the week is a huge treat! There's something about warm soup on a chilly fall day that just warms your heart. Oh, and this guy... he warms my heart, too.
We hiked to the top of Rough Ridge, on the Blue Ridge Parkway and took some pretty awesome pictures.
And we bought pumpkins. Eeeek!!!! I love fall, ya'll. Let the pumpkin-spice-latte drinking, legging and oversized sweater wearing, pumpkin-carving and festival-going begin!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Weekend Highlights
Eating at the most delicious BBQ place and spending quality time with my sweet Momma-
Getting a venti Pumpkin Spice Latte, listening to Backstreet Boys and rolling down my windows and opening my sunroof all the way to Hickory on Saturday morning-
Getting all dolled up and going to a wedding with this sweet fella (he's pretty dreamy)-
Buying matching tennis shoes with my boy-
Friday, September 13, 2013
It's the Little Things
Happy Friday, pretty people! This week has been a challenging one, with classes revving up into full swing, my first exam (which just happened to be a law exam on Friday the 13th - of all days), and as usual, never getting enough sleep.
Sometimes I don't make time for the things I should and even if I do, I feel guilty about it. For instance, I am currently reading a book called Kisses From Katie, which is so amazing that I am in tears every time I read it. I can relate to Katie's love for Uganda because of my own love for Haiti and it's seriously already one of my favorite books I've ever read (and I'm only about halfway through it!). (Blog to follow upon completion.)
Another example is my involvement in Campus Ministries. I am so blessed to live with a precious girl named Abbey this year, who is becoming one of my best friends. She is strong, faithful, grounded and she loves Jesus with her whole heart. We decided to try a new ministry this year, so we've been attending RUF and joined a "Community Group" to get to know some of the other girls. We absolutely love it and were so blessed at our Tuesday night Community Group meeting. It's a truly amazing feeling to be surrounded by young Christian women that believe the same things you do, encourage you in the faith, and teach you what it means to be more like Christ.
In college, it seems like every professor thinks that their class is your only class. Ha! Sometimes, we get so busy that it's easiest to push the "little things" to the back burner and do what we have to do to make the deadline, get the grade, impress the professor, etc.
But today, be reminded that the "little things" are actually the BIG things. If you make time for Jesus - and sometimes that means going to sit in a living room full of girls and eat cookies and talk about Him - He is only going to bless you for giving of your time and energy. If you take a few minutes to read that book you can barely stand to put down, if you let yourself sleep an extra 30 minutes and just throw your hair in a ponytail that day... you will be glad you did. Take time to enjoy the little things, because one day, you'll realize that they made a difference in your life, and perhaps someone else's too!
Sometimes I don't make time for the things I should and even if I do, I feel guilty about it. For instance, I am currently reading a book called Kisses From Katie, which is so amazing that I am in tears every time I read it. I can relate to Katie's love for Uganda because of my own love for Haiti and it's seriously already one of my favorite books I've ever read (and I'm only about halfway through it!). (Blog to follow upon completion.)
Another example is my involvement in Campus Ministries. I am so blessed to live with a precious girl named Abbey this year, who is becoming one of my best friends. She is strong, faithful, grounded and she loves Jesus with her whole heart. We decided to try a new ministry this year, so we've been attending RUF and joined a "Community Group" to get to know some of the other girls. We absolutely love it and were so blessed at our Tuesday night Community Group meeting. It's a truly amazing feeling to be surrounded by young Christian women that believe the same things you do, encourage you in the faith, and teach you what it means to be more like Christ.
In college, it seems like every professor thinks that their class is your only class. Ha! Sometimes, we get so busy that it's easiest to push the "little things" to the back burner and do what we have to do to make the deadline, get the grade, impress the professor, etc.
But today, be reminded that the "little things" are actually the BIG things. If you make time for Jesus - and sometimes that means going to sit in a living room full of girls and eat cookies and talk about Him - He is only going to bless you for giving of your time and energy. If you take a few minutes to read that book you can barely stand to put down, if you let yourself sleep an extra 30 minutes and just throw your hair in a ponytail that day... you will be glad you did. Take time to enjoy the little things, because one day, you'll realize that they made a difference in your life, and perhaps someone else's too!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Your Momma is your best friend
Watched this video in class today and bawled like a baby. Never miss the opportunity to thank your Momma for making you who you are today.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Never Forget: A Tribute to 9-11-01
I, like many Americans, remember exactly where I was the day our Nation changed forever. I was in 4th grade, sitting in Mr. Cornett's class. Our day was just getting started when another teacher came and got him from our class, leaving my classmates and I sitting alone in our classroom, wondering what in the world was going on. Of course, the fear of a terrorist attack never entered any of our naive little minds, and even when our sweet, heartbroken teacher wheeled the TV set down from the media center to show us the footage of the planes hitting both of the World Trade Centers, we still couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude of what it meant for our Nation.
School let out early that day and when my Momma picked me up, we went to a prayer service held at the old Charlotte Colosseum led by Pat McCrory where thousands of people cried out to God and leaned on one another, some perfect strangers, devastated at the horrible event that had taken place that day. I remember seeing the footage of the planes crashing into the two buildings I had never even heard of before, as a 9 year old, and watching the buildings collapse a thousand times in the weeks that followed that horrific day.
Today, on the 12th anniversary of this devastation, where is our Nation? In what condition are the hearts of the American people? As we see our Nation reach new levels of depravity, willingly give more attention to the desperately trashy pleas for fame- like the performance of Miley Cyrus at the VMAs- than it does the soldiers fighting for its freedom, and pull farther and farther away from Jesus, how do we, as Christians, react?
Prayer, first and foremost, for our Country, for our President, for all of our Nation's leaders, and for our military. Second, standing up for what we know to be true and in line with Scripture.
Never forget the lives that were taken on September 11, 2001. The firemen, the police officers, the mothers, fathers, friends, neighbors, and so many other loved ones, created by our Heavenly Father lost their lives and it is our responsibility to remember. On this solemn day, pay your respect to those We lost and pray fervently for the future of the United States of America.
Jesus says, " if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
15 Things I love about Fall
1. pumpkin spice lattes
2. pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pretty much pumpkin anything...
3. football games (and of course tailgating, the best part) GO APPSTATE!
4. big, chunky scarves
5. boots
6. leggings with big over-sized sweaters
7. leaves falling from the trees and hitting my windshield as I drive
8. soul food (chili, cornbread, chicken & dumplins, vegtable soup, beef stew... yum!)
9. pumpkin carving
10. corn field mazes
12. fall candles (frosted cranberry from B&BW is my all-time favorite)
13. small town apple festivals
14. county fairs
15. chilly hikes to admire the leaves
2. pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pretty much pumpkin anything...
3. football games (and of course tailgating, the best part) GO APPSTATE!
4. big, chunky scarves
5. boots
6. leggings with big over-sized sweaters
7. leaves falling from the trees and hitting my windshield as I drive
8. soul food (chili, cornbread, chicken & dumplins, vegtable soup, beef stew... yum!)
9. pumpkin carving
10. corn field mazes
12. fall candles (frosted cranberry from B&BW is my all-time favorite)
13. small town apple festivals
14. county fairs
15. chilly hikes to admire the leaves
Monday, September 9, 2013
Monday Encouragement
Do you ever feel like you have so much to do that you just might not do any of it? I sure do, and although busy weekends are fun, they're also exhausting. This weekend, I went from Boone to Hickory, Hickory to Morganton, Morganton to Boone, Boone to Hickory, Hickory to Charlotte, Charlotte to Gastonia, Gastonia to Hickory, and then finally from Hickory to Boone, only to have to unload my car and start my neglected homework.
Monday was not exactly welcomed with open arms by this exhausted college girl, and I think it's safe to say that if no alarms were set, I could lay down and sleep without waking up for at least two weeks straight. Ha!
So, today, if you're feeling like me... be encouraged. Keep the faith! The Lord promises us that "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Isaiah 40:31).
Happy Monday, ya'll
Monday was not exactly welcomed with open arms by this exhausted college girl, and I think it's safe to say that if no alarms were set, I could lay down and sleep without waking up for at least two weeks straight. Ha!
So, today, if you're feeling like me... be encouraged. Keep the faith! The Lord promises us that "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Isaiah 40:31).
Happy Monday, ya'll
Friday, September 6, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
His Perfect Timing
This past weekend, Gray took me on a little trip down memory lane. We went to his high school and walked onto the football field, where he practically lived for four solid years. Because I went to a private, Christian school, I missed a lot of things that I would've been able to experience had I gone to a big, public school like his with a football team. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for my Christian education and there's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that it helped make me who I am today, but I think there will always be a part of me that wonders how my life would've been different had I grown up with Grayson, gone to high school with him, and been there, cheering on the sidelines as he played football.
I cheered in middle and high school, however, cheering for basketball and cheering for high school are very different. As I walked onto that field with him, I could almost see myself, in a uniform I held to practically a standard of gold, cheering my little heart out. What if we had met in high school? What if we'd chosen where to go to college together? Although he would've been two years ahead of me, it could've worked, right?
I don't know why, but for some reason, ever since he took me there and shared that sacred little window of his past with me, I can't seem to get these "what if?" feelings out of my mind. There's no such thing as "what if," really. You can't go back in time, and even if you could, things probably wouldn't go the way you think they should have. So, I just have to tell myself that we met at the perfect time, whether I wish he was my high-school-sweetheart, or not. He's my sweetheart now, and that's all that matters.
Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in wishing things had gone a different way in your life, but don't empty today of its joy. Be thankful for the here and now and know that God's plan and His timing are perfect.
I cheered in middle and high school, however, cheering for basketball and cheering for high school are very different. As I walked onto that field with him, I could almost see myself, in a uniform I held to practically a standard of gold, cheering my little heart out. What if we had met in high school? What if we'd chosen where to go to college together? Although he would've been two years ahead of me, it could've worked, right?
I don't know why, but for some reason, ever since he took me there and shared that sacred little window of his past with me, I can't seem to get these "what if?" feelings out of my mind. There's no such thing as "what if," really. You can't go back in time, and even if you could, things probably wouldn't go the way you think they should have. So, I just have to tell myself that we met at the perfect time, whether I wish he was my high-school-sweetheart, or not. He's my sweetheart now, and that's all that matters.
Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in wishing things had gone a different way in your life, but don't empty today of its joy. Be thankful for the here and now and know that God's plan and His timing are perfect.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
A Poison Called Insecurity
Insecurity is the root of so much heartache in this world, and although it is a choice to be made rather than a condition to live with, so many girls can't seem to find the fine line between insecurity and over-confidence, both of which are a poison that can be utterly and completely detrimental to so many aspects of their lives.
It's no secret that people who are insecure often over-compensate by either wearing flashy or revealing clothing, being condescending, or allowing themselves to have such a low level of self-respect that they allow their bodies to be used and abused, with no regard for their own worth.
It's so sad to see girls who could be beautiful destroy themselves by wearing too much makeup or dressing immodestly to get attention when in fact, they are only distracting people from their natural beauty that comes from within. Why does this world encourage getting attention through whatever means is easiest? It's gut-wrenching to see someone act out for bad attention, rather than good attention.
Although it's hard to positively respond to difficult (or just plain condescending) people, it's important to remember that if they feel the need to bring you down, it's most likely because of their own insecurity. Remember: Confidence is silent... Insecurities are loud.
It's always heart-breaking to see a girl who has so much to give throw away her own self-worth because she doesn't view her body as the temple the Lord created it to be. Rather it be through self-harm or allowing herself to stay in a physically abusive relationship (or emotional, for that matter), if a girl doesn't value herself, she can't demand the kind of respect she deserves.
I've decided that the fine line between insecurity and over-confidence is like walking a tightrope. It's not always easy. It's a delicate balance. But even though it's hard, the pressure is good for you. It molds you. It shapes you. It also gets easier with practice.
Insecurity hurts you in every aspect of your life. Don't let it consume you.
1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us that "bad company corrupts good character," and although we don't usually think of this in connection to the problem of insecurity, I think it applies because if girls surround themselves with people who are also insecure or with people who constantly tear them down and bring out the worst in them, it makes it almost impossible to dig themselves out of the dark pit of insecurity. When you surround yourself with strong, independent, confident women, it makes you want to be the same way. It's contagious.
Take this challenge with me this week: Actively fight the poison called insecurity by surrounding yourself with people who build you up, make you better, and teach you what it means to love not only others, but yourself for who God made you.
Don't let insecurity ruin the {inner and outer} beauty you were born with.
It's no secret that people who are insecure often over-compensate by either wearing flashy or revealing clothing, being condescending, or allowing themselves to have such a low level of self-respect that they allow their bodies to be used and abused, with no regard for their own worth.
It's so sad to see girls who could be beautiful destroy themselves by wearing too much makeup or dressing immodestly to get attention when in fact, they are only distracting people from their natural beauty that comes from within. Why does this world encourage getting attention through whatever means is easiest? It's gut-wrenching to see someone act out for bad attention, rather than good attention.
Although it's hard to positively respond to difficult (or just plain condescending) people, it's important to remember that if they feel the need to bring you down, it's most likely because of their own insecurity. Remember: Confidence is silent... Insecurities are loud.
It's always heart-breaking to see a girl who has so much to give throw away her own self-worth because she doesn't view her body as the temple the Lord created it to be. Rather it be through self-harm or allowing herself to stay in a physically abusive relationship (or emotional, for that matter), if a girl doesn't value herself, she can't demand the kind of respect she deserves.
I've decided that the fine line between insecurity and over-confidence is like walking a tightrope. It's not always easy. It's a delicate balance. But even though it's hard, the pressure is good for you. It molds you. It shapes you. It also gets easier with practice.
Insecurity hurts you in every aspect of your life. Don't let it consume you.
1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us that "bad company corrupts good character," and although we don't usually think of this in connection to the problem of insecurity, I think it applies because if girls surround themselves with people who are also insecure or with people who constantly tear them down and bring out the worst in them, it makes it almost impossible to dig themselves out of the dark pit of insecurity. When you surround yourself with strong, independent, confident women, it makes you want to be the same way. It's contagious.
Take this challenge with me this week: Actively fight the poison called insecurity by surrounding yourself with people who build you up, make you better, and teach you what it means to love not only others, but yourself for who God made you.
Don't let insecurity ruin the {inner and outer} beauty you were born with.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Weekend Recap
Another whirlwind of a weekend... Surprise surprise. Seems like that's becoming the norm lately. I definitely don't hate it.
On Saturday Grayson and I went on a spontaneous canoeing adventure-
Then we went to the Gray Station Fair in Tennessee and had the best time ever-
We played with adorable little animals-
Rode the Ferris Wheel-
Today was my family reunion and I got to see my sweet cousin, Kiley -
And my hilarious uncle Bill -
And I finally hung this beautiful painting of Italy that my cousin Gretchen gave me. I love it! It makes my bathroom feel so much "homier."
Hope ya'll have a happy Monday!
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