For those of you that don't know, I just married my college sweetheart!
After dating for three years, two of which were spent long-distance, we were elated to have finally reached the finish line. There were times that finish line seemed so unattainable, so out of reach, so far away... but Jesus stood by us and He strengthened us and oh, friends.... it has been so worth the wait. The gift of marriage is beyond anything I could have ever anticipated or expected. Our wedding day was like a fairy tale. It was better than anything I could have ever dreamed of or hoped for or imagined. Every detail was so special and we were surrounded by everyone that we love. There were white lanterns, twinkling lights, good music, good food, old hymns, lots of laughter, the weather was perfect, and best of all... I got to walk down the aisle to meet the most handsome, Godly, loving, wonderful man.
When we came home from our honeymoon, our house was festive and cheery and our tree was surrounded by wedding gifts that we could hardly wait to open. My Momma, who always thinks of everything, had stopped by to turn all of our Christmas lights on and had a sweet tray of breakfast in bed ready for the next morning, the first morning we would wake up together in our new home! He carried me over the threshold, and just like that... married life began in the little town of Belmont.
Learning to live with someone is such an adventure. Sometimes we dance around the living room for no reason, sometimes we go get taco bell in our pajamas at midnight, and sometimes we don't do anything at all (and even that is so much fun). We have so many hopes, dreams, and ideas about our future together, but no matter what- we want Jesus to be glorified through our marriage and we want to stay right in the center of His perfect will.
Stay tuned, this adventure from Miss to Mrs. is only just beginning!
Wedding pictures coming soon // Bridal pictures by Erica Serrano Photography.

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