Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The finish line

As I eagerly approach graduation, assignments are piling up and I am more overwhelmed than I've ever been. Senior portfolios, group projects, and final photography assignments take up every second of my time and I feel like I've been treading water just to keep from drowning in a sea called college. Where is the end of this tunnel? Will I ever be finished?

In search of some encouragement, I read 2 Timothy 4:7, which says, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." I know that the Lord will only bless my perseverance and diligence, so no matter how hard it gets, I accept the challenge of pushing through these last few weeks and finishing strong. 

Fight to the finish with me, sweet friends. Wherever you are, whatever you're facing, the Lord is there with you, walking right beside you, and He can't wait to see you victoriously celebrating at the end of whatever tunnel you might be going through. 

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